New line of frozen legumes!

By combining its industrial know-how with the agricultural know-how of CAVAC, Atlantique Alimentaire is starting a new line for cooking and freezing legumes, that are locally sourced and therefore closely controlled from field to plate.

In 2021, we produce and market organic and conventional green lentils and chickpeas as well as Label Rouge half dried Mogettes from region of Vendee : all grown and harvested by the farmers of our cooperative Cavac located in Vendee.

This new manufacturing line and our privileged access to the agricultural production enable us to provide tailor-made solutions, meeting the needs of our various markets and customers:

– Products with a quality sign (SIQO) in response to the EGALIM law for our out-of-home catering customers.

Customised recipes and cooking to meet our customers‘ specific requirements.

– Ranges of practical, high-quality pulses: ready in 2 minutes, guaranteed to be of French origin, with all their intrinsic qualities preserved by the freezing process.

With the objective to expand our ranges, we are working with our Cavac farmers on the planting of new varieties in 2021 and our R&D team will develop recipes for innovative mixes of cereals, seeds and pulses in 2022.

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