A varied range of locally sourced and tasty


Our recipes come to life in the fields

Only the best produce is used to create the recipes offered by Atlantique Alimentaire. Local produce and quality above all! Frozen products, too, deserve a reputation of excellence! To meet this objective, Atlantique Alimentaire can rely on the expertise of the 5,000 farmers of the Vendée-based Cavac cooperative group, of which it became a subsidiary in January 2019.

Over the years, crop rotation and the processing plants run by these producers, located in the departements of Vendée and Poitou-Charentes along the Atlantic coast, have managed to adapt and diversify in order to meet the ever more sophisticated consumer demand.

Consumers want to eat local and varied, opting for tasty and high-quality products they can trust. 



On the menu?

Traceability and fairness

The proximity of Atlantique Alimentaire to Cavac guarantees full traceability of the food products used in the frozen products on offer. Cereal flour, eggs, cold meats... not to mention pulses.

These are growing in popularity among consumers. The areas dedicated to lentils, chickpeas and dried beans on supermarket shelves keep expanding, in particular through the establishment of production contracts, usually under a quality label. The consumer's enthusiasm is accompanied by the deployment of high-quality supply chains which are sustainable for their stakeholders: from the farmer to the manufacturer, to ensure that every partner is treated fairly.

The values of fair trade are at the heart of the negotiations:

  • fair remuneration for each actor,
  • locally sourced products,
  • practices that protect people and the environment.

Secure and sustainable agricultural supply chains

Each raw material used in the composition of our recipes is the subject of a production contract, negotiated with motivated and committed farmers. A safeguard for all those involved.
First of all, for producers, who can rest assured that their crops will be sold, for a pre-set, guaranteed price.

Secondly, for Atlantique Alimentaire and its customers who, year after year and based on their needs, can get agricultural products at constant quality and volume levels. This organisation based on supply chains is fair to each partner in order to offer local, seasonal foods, grown in a sustainable and fair manner.


Custom sourcing,

of pulses

Atlantique Alimentaire relies on the know-how of the 5,000 farmers who are members of the Cavac group, the company's parent company.

Pulses are just some of the many crops produced. Thanks to the diversity of cultivated legume species (lentils, chickpeas, dried beans ...), under different certifications (Label Rouge, without pesticide residues, organic, PGI, Agri-Éthique, etc.), the raw materials that Atlantique Alimentaire needs to produce a wide range of frozen products can be custom sourced.

A variety of specifications to meet the needs and expectations of customers:

Customised high-quality crops, tailored to each target market.
From the field to the factory, pulses are harvested, sorted, cooked, frozen and packaged locally, in the Vendée and Poitou-Charentes. In this short circuit, traceability is total.

How to understand: the cropping calendar of the Vendée mogette
Calendrier mogettes anglais

Focus on the Vendée Mogette bean, an emblematic product of our region: 

The history of frozen ½ dry Vendée Mogette bean is a good illustration of the virtuous relationship between farmers, CAVAC and Atlantique Alimentaire.

Indeed, the freshly harvested mogette cannot be stored for several weeks without spoiling: The only way to preserve all of its nutritional and organoleptic qualities over several months is to freeze it a few hours after harvesting.